Mp board abhyas prashn patra 2023 class 12th English Set A full solution|| Pre board exam angreji


Mp board abhyas prashn patra 2023 class 12th English Set A full solution

Practice Set Paper-1

Time:3 hours Total Marks:80
 Read all the questions carefully.
 Read the instructions given with the questions before attempting them.
 Marks of each question are indicated against them.
Section-A (Reading)

Q.1. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow. 1×10=10
Ants are common insects. There are more than 12,000 kinds in the world. They
are born, and live and work in a colony with many other ants. An ant goes
through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa/cocoon and adult. An ant

egg is about the size of a period at the end of a sentence. An egg is kidney-
shaped and soft. It has a sticky surface. It can clump together with other eggs.

This allows a group of eggs to be carried away quickly if danger occurs. Some
eggs don’t survive because they are eaten by other ants.The ant egg cells divide
for 7-14 days and a larva appears. The larva will shed its skin about 3 times. It
eats constantly. It will get bigger each time it sheds. The larva sucks up the
liquids from the food brought to it. Sometimes adult ants eat food and spit it up
for the larva. The larva will also get hairier. It will have hooked-like hairs. These
hairs allow groups of them to be picked up and carried like the eggs. A larva
doesn’t have any feet. It can bend a little towards food. Some types can also
move along. About 25 days later a larva changes into a pupa.
Like other insects, ants have jointed legs, three body parts, and two antennae.
The three body parts are covered by an exoskeleton. An exoskeleton is a
skeleton located on the outside of their body. An ant’s head contains its brain.
It also holds two compound eyes, and pharynx (the start of the digestive
system). The antennae are attached to the head, too. The mandibles (jaws) on
his head can bite and chew food. Three kinds of ants live in a colony. Queens are
ants who lay the eggs for the whole colony. They are bigger than other ants.
They were fed more as larvae. They have wings. If a queen should die, the whole
colony falls apart. There is no one to produce new ants. Female worker ants do

not have wings. They gather food, clean and take care of the young ants. The
male ants only help in reproduction and do not work.
(i) An ant goes through following stages of development-
(a)two (b) three
(c) four (d) five
(ii) A larva does not have any feet. (True/ False)
(iii) Which of these is located on the head-
(a)Thorax (b) abdomen
(c)mandible (d) pharynx
(iv) Which of the following statements is true?
(a)An ant’s brain is in the thorax. (b)The thorax is the chest area.
(c)Ants don’t have lungs. (d) Queens lay eggs for the whole colony.
(v) Which of the following is the best description of an ant’s egg?
(a) It has a hard layer outside.
(b)It is soft and sticky.
(c) It is circular
(d)It is the size of the nail of a little finger.
(vi) An ant egg is about the size of-
(a) a ball (b) a period at the end of the sentence
(c) a hen’s egg (d) an ant’s head
(vii) Which of the following is the purpose of the Female worker ants?
(a) to do all of the work (b) to gather food
(c) to take care of new ants (d)all of these
(viii) What happens if a queen should die-
(a) eggs will die (b) larvae will die
(c) new ants are not produced (d) other ants will die
(ix) Which of these has similar meaning of ‘clump’?
(a) individual (b)group
(c) one (d)solitary
(x) How does an ant chew and bite?
(a) with teeth (b) with pharynx
(c) with mandibles (d) with legs
Q.2. Read the following passage carefully and make notes on it also give a
suitable title to it. 4
Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all arts. All you need to do
in order to become a good conversationalist is to find a subject that interests

you and your listeners. There are, for example, numberless hobbies to talk
about. But the important thing is that you must talk about other fellow’s hobby
rather than your own. Therein lies the secret of your popularity. Talk to your
friends about the things that interest them, and you will get a reputation for
good fellowship, charming wit, and a brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases
people so much as your interest in their interest. It is just as important to know
what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select for good conversation. If you
don’t want to be set down as a wet blanket or a bore, be careful to avoid certain
unpleasant subjects. Avoid talking about yourself, unless you are asked to do so.
People are interested in their own problems, not in yours. Sickness or death
bores everybody. The only one who willingly listens to such talk is the doctor,
but he gets paid for it.
Q.3. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school Govt. H. S. S. Datia , which is
going to organize a “Bal Mela” on Children’s Day. Design a poster to inform the
students about the various activities in the mela. Ask the students to participate
in it. 4


You are S. Rajan of Barwani. You want to let your flat. Write out an
advertisement to be published in the classified column of a newspaper.
Q.4. You are Abhishek Saxena, residing at 54, DIG Colony Indore. Write a letter
to the editor of a newspaper complaining against the nuisance caused by
loudspeakers in your locality. 4


Write a letter to your friend advising him to study English, Maths, general
Knowledge and reasoning for upcoming NDA exam.
Q.5. You have witnessed an accident. Write a report for a newspaper about the
accident using the following inputs: 4
a. Where, when and how did the accident happen
b. People, vehicle involved, loss of life and property
c. The scene of the accident,
d. details of casualties-deaths, injured, hospitalized
e. role of the police


Write a short paragraph on any one of the following topics in about 120 words.

A. Importance of Protecting Trees B. Benefits of Modern Technology
C. Harmful Effects of Junk Food D. Importance of Games and Sports

Q.6. Fill in the blanks (any five) 1×5=5
i. Suresh is —— boy who has got a place in the merit list. (a/an/the)
ii. How ——–time do you take to reach your school? (many/much/any)
iii. He is good——- English. (at/to/in)
iv. English is — in many countries. (speaking/spoken/speak)
v. The man —the police arrested last night is a big thief. (who/ whom/whose)
vi. No sooner did the thief see the police – he ran away. (then/than/so)
Q.7. Do as directed (any five) 1×5=5
i. Sita does not sing. She does not dance.
(Combine the sentences using ‘neither—nor’)
ii. If Rajesh does not act now, he will lose everything.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘unless’)
iii. The journey was long. Everyone enjoyed it.
(Combine the sentences using ‘though’)
iv. She hurt her friend. (Change the sentence into negative)
v. I don’t know why he has come here. (identify the underlined clause)
vi. The man is my neighbour. The man is talking to your uncle.
(Combine the pair of sentences into an Adjective Clause)
Q.8. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. 1×5=5
“My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from
Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new
Master comes tomorrow. This is your last French lesson. I want you to be very
attentive. “What a thunderclap these words were to me! Oh, the wretches; that
was what they had put up at the town hall! My last French lesson! Why, I hardly
knew how to write! I should never learn anymore! I must stop there, then! Oh,
how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going
sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so
heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now
that I couldn’t give up.
i. Which of these orders has come from Berlin?
a. closure of school b. no French to be taught
c. rustication of Franz d. transfer to M. Hamel

ii Why does M. Hamel want the students to be attentive?
a. because it is his last French lesson
b. because the order has come from Berlin
c. because he is about to tell important questions for their exam
d. because he is going to be retired.
iii. Which of these seemed ‘old friends’ to Franz?
a. M. Hamel b. the blackboard
c. his classmates d. his books
iv. “What a thunderclap these words were to me!”
Which of these expresses the meaning of the underlined word in the above
a. loud and clear b. pleasant and welcome
c. startling and unexpected d. encouraging and full of zeal
v. Which of these moods did Franz express when he was told that it was his last
French lesson?
a. inspired and cheerful b. repenting and sorrowful
c. optimistic and serious d. romantic and humorous
Q.9. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
(A) But after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
as a late winter’s moon.
And felt that old
Familiar ache, my childhood’s fear
But all I said was see you soon, Amma,
All I did was smile and smile and smile……
Questions: 1×3=3
i. Which of these has the poet compare mother’s face to?
a. full moon brightness b. late winter’s moon
c. young children d. young tree
ii. Which of these was the reason of mother’s pale face?
a. mother’s old age b. mother’s depleting energy
c. mother’s illness d. both (a) and (b)
iii. The writer of the text is ——–
a. John Keats b. Kamala Das
c. Pablo Neruda d. Adrienne Rich

(B). Early this year, I found myself aboard a Russian research vessel the
Akademik Shokalskiy heading towards the coldest, driest, windiest continent in
the world: Antarctica. My journey began 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in
Madras, and involved crossing nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of
water, and at least as many ecospheres.
Questions: 1×4=4
i. The above text have been taken from the chapter—-
a. Evans Tries an O Level b. Memories of Childhood
c. The Tiger King d. Journey to the End of the Earth
ii. Who is ‘I’ in the above lines?
a. Tishani Doshi b. Kalki
c. Pearl S Buck d. William Saroyan
iii. What was Akademik Shokalskiy ?
a. A Boat b. A Canoe
c. A Watercraft d. All of these
iv. Where was the narrator travelling to?
a. Amsterdam b. Antarctica
c. Australia d. America
Q.10 Answer the following questions in about 30 words. (any five) 2×5=10
i. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
ii. Why did Saheb’s parents leave Dhaka and migrate to India?
Iii. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
iv. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap?
v. Why did Gandhi chide the lawyers of Muzaffarpur?
vi. in the Poets and Pancakes, what do Pancakes refer to?
vii. What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of?
Q.11. Answer the following questions in about 30 words. (any three) 2×3=6
i. In the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’, What is the kind of pain and ache that
the poet feels?
ii. What is the ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem keeping Quiet?
iii. What pleasure does a beautiful thing give us according to John Keats?
iv. Of what or of whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified with?
Q.12. Answer the following questions in about 30 words. (any two) 2×2=4
i. What does ‘The Third Level’ refer to?
ii. In what condition did Dr. Sadao and Hana find the white man at the seashore?
iii. How does Derry get his face burnt?
Q.13. Answer the following questions in about 75 words. (any two) 3×2=6

i. How is Mukesh’s attitude towards his situation different from that of Saheb?
ii. How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness and hospitality shown
by the crofter, the iron master, and his daughter?
iii. What was Sophie’s dream? How was it unrealistic?
Q.14. Answer the following question in about 75 words. 3×1=3
Write the central idea of the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’.


What are the difficulties that Aunt Jennifer faced in her life?
Q.15. Answer the following question in about 75 words. 3×1=3
Justify the title of the story ‘The Third Level’.


What values of life does the story “Tiger King” give us?

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